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What is a voltage regulator?

文章来源:精源科技 更新时间:2024-01-03 发布时间:2024-01-03

A voltage regulator is a device that provides a stable output voltage according to the needs of electrical equipment. Stabilizing the output to the desired voltage within a certain range of input fluctuations does not mean stabilizing the voltage at a constant value, but rather stabilizing the large fluctuation range of the external power grid to a relatively small fluctuation range (a small fluctuation range can be artificially set as accuracy). The large fluctuation range is generally within the range of 15% above and below the local standard voltage. Sometimes, in the event of a power grid failure, the provided voltage may exceed 15%. At this time, conventional voltage regulators cannot function as voltage stabilizers, and it is necessary to customize non-standard voltage regulator products with a wide range based on the actual voltage.

Difference between voltage stabilizer and transformer

Main technical parameters of voltage stabilizer
